Thursday, May 6, 2010

Catching Up

My new thing lately has been treadmill running. I run 5K on a treadmill upstairs at the apartment fitness center. I used to hate running on treadmills. Initially I hit a wall, 2 miles, I was content with that. Then I decided to see if I could run 3, and I could. Now I just set it on 5K (3.09 miles).

Sometimes I run a hills program with different incline levels, sometimes I just leave it at zero and go for it. I take a break Wednesday and Sunday. I feel like I am getting in shape. I know I have lost some weight even if I really don't need to.

There are 3 air conditioning units in the fitness center, the room is not much bigger than a big bedroom. I used to turn on 2 of the 3 air conditioning units, lately I don't turn them on at all. The sweat is incredible when I am through with my run!

I used to jump on my computer after breakfast, not anymore. I figure I am sitting in front of a computer nearly 9 hours a day, I don't need to add anymore. If there is any good or bad news it can wait till I get to work and read my email there.

Some of you may know that I read through the Bible every year, I am making good progress but a little behind.

I have been very busy at work. We have been getting ready for a big inspection that just started today. Unfortunately things didn't go as planned when the inspection team arrived but good customer service kept them happy. Little known fact, I used to work for MCI WorldCom at their video bridging service help desk. I was given one on one training in customer service for about a week. Thus how this former Marine Corps Drill Instructor manages to be a cheerful soul during stressful situations : )

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