Saturday, April 17, 2010

Bonehead Home Networking

In less than 2 weeks my USB WiFi antennae quit working on me. When it was working I wasn't getting the WiFi security I wanted and the connection was spotty at best.

Back to square one. Didn't want to buy another WiFi antennae. And then it hits me, I had the correct component all along! My ADSL router. In less than 5 minutes I plugged in the router (Tucked it out of the way in the entertainment center), ran an Ethernet cable from the PC's Ethernet port to the router, added a static IP address to my PC's network card (Geek speak) using the router as it's gateway and shared out the Wireless broadband connection to use the PC's network card.

End result? When I connect to the wireless broadband network the connection is shared out through the network card into the wireless router where I can now connect with my netbook and Chris laptop using higher WiFi (WPA2) encryption (That's the coffee talking).

I deserve the bonehead geek of the week badge!

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