Sunday, February 22, 2009

Blah day

Rain rain and more rain! Went to church this morning and my walk to to both the bus stop and church was in the pouring rain. Thankfully I didn't wait long at all at the first bus stop and when I walked the to second bus stop the express bus was just pulling up, this made my day. See there are two buses I can take to Carassco, one being the 104 bus which makes plenty of stops along the way. Could be hard plastic seats or possibly a newer bus with upholstered seats. But, there is an express bus which costs only 5 pesos more (Around a nickel) and it's more like a tour bus with nice reclining seats and makes no stops along the way, the choice is clear! Unfortunately I can't figure out how to take that bus back.

On my way home my wait for the bus was much longer as the buses don't run as frequently on Sundays. When the first bus dropped me off at the second bus stop I was whipped by the winds and rain along the rambla. I was very happy when the bus arrived and I finally made it home.

Not ashamed to admit I took a nap after all of that, LOL.

Watched Valkyrie with Tom Cruise
Not to bad a movie.

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