Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Learning to fly

Walking out the door this morning I noticed two of cats entranced with
something. I decided to investigate to which I saw tawny chasing
something back and forth. At first I thought a cat toy and then maybe a
big moth, but then I heard a chirp. Next thing I know Tawny goes
prancing by me happily as can be with the tiniest bird in it's mouth.
She dropped it in the dining room to swat at it a couple of times. I
had to take off my glasses and squint a few times because I couldn't
believe it was a bird, it was the size of a golf ball! If it wasn't for
the big beak I would have thought it was a fuzzy golf ball!

I picked up the small victim and took it outside to the balcony and said
"I hope you know how to fly little buddy, because if you don't...", I
tossed the little bundle and wings came out just in time and it flew away.

I hope the next time that bird picks a better place to land then a
balcony with three cats!

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